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Kilohearts Phase Plant

Presets are contained in a .bank file
Locate the bank file in the product folder and simply drag and drop in anywhere on the Phase Plant plugin window.

Our Phase Plant banks contain many custom effects. To save these as presets for your own creations, open up the device window and click save. They will be then saved in the User preset folder.

Reveal Sound Spire

To install presets, open up the Library on the Spire plugin.
Select import from the menu below the folder list.
Locate the soundbank file in the product folder.
Your library will be re-indexed and the presets will be available in the library.

Novation Summit

Patches can be sent to the Summit from Novation Components. If you don’t have Components installed it can be downloaded from the Novation software page or run from the Novation website.

Novation Bass Station II / AFX

Patches can be sent to the Bass Station from Novation Components. If you don’t have Components installed it can be downloaded from the Novation software page or run from the Novation website.